Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submission

APSID-JSIAD 2024 calls for the following abstracts.
Schedule: from July 1 to September 20, 2023
The period has been extended until October 31, 2023

The registration for general presentations has closed.
Please continue to register abstracts for specified presentations (conference program, sponsored program) below.

Submission for regular abstracts has closed

Abstract Submission for Invited Speakers

Presentation Session Scheduled Date Abstract Type
IEI School Day 1 Regular Abstracts (Oral or Poster)
JSIAD Session Day 1 – 2 Regular Abstracts (Oral or Poster)
APSID Session Day 2 – 3 Regular Abstracts (Oral or Poster)

JSIAD session calls for abstracts on immunodeficiency diseases and autoinflammatory diseases and the following categories are planned for the IEI School and APSID sessions.

[IEI School Presentation Categories]
Antibody deficiency
IEI and TCR signaling defects
IEI with autoimmune diseases
Monogenic IBD
IEI with cytopenia

[APSID Session Presentation Categories]
B-cell deficiency
autoinflammatory disorder
monogenic IBD
IEI susceptible to EBV
patient care

Please leave the final selection, category and presentation type (oral or poster) to the Program Committee.

Membership Requirements

The first author/presenter of a regular presentation must be APSID or JSIAD member. If you are not a member, please complete the enrollment procedure by the day of the conference.
Click here for APSID enrollment procedure

How to Submit Your Abstract

Please access the online abstract submission from the following button.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the JSIAD Journal, an official journal of JSIAD. If you do not wish publication, please select “Do not allow ” on the registration screen.

Click here for Abstract submission

Regular abstracts from overseas must be written in English.
The title must be 20 words or less. The body of the abstract (excluding title, author’s name, and organizational affiliation) must be 300 words or less.
It may include one diagram, which should be in GIF or JPEG format and of 10MB or less in size. However, in case the abstract includes a diagram, the body of the abstract should be 150 words or less.
You can register up to 20 authors and 20 institutions.

【Important Note】

  1. Number of characters entered into the form will be checked against the character limit configured and give error when you exceed it.
  2. You can enter entity references/numeric character references, although the number of characters within the references will be counted against the character limit.
  3. Copying and pasting text from MS-Word will be accompanied by line breaks and character formatting (bold, italic, underline, subscript and superscript) with the text.Please refer to “available symbols” for symbols you can use in the form.
  4. When you copy&paste Greek characters such as “α””β” presented in MS-Word using “Symbol” font, they will be changed to English characters such as “a” “b” in the form. Please use “available symbols” instead.

Conflict of Interest

When submitting an abstract, it is necessary for the Presenting Author and all the co-presenters to check whether there are conflicts of interest with a company or for-profit group related to the subject of the presentation. If there is a COI, you should disclose the status of COI within the past three years on the COI Self-Disclosure Form.